Are You Taking Care Of Yourself In The Winter?

Taking Care Of Yourself In The Winter
Many of us can feel more tired, more stressed, and less well during the winter. We catch colds and other bugs, complain about the dark and cold mornings and pray for early summer. But there may well be things you could be doing better to take care of yourself in the winter. Make sure that you have all of these areas covered if you want to be at your best.


Looking after your physical health is very important. As colds are more common in the winter, and the lack of sun can easily make you feel worn-down and tired, it’s essential to take extra steps to look after your health.
Make sure that you always wrap up warm when going out, and turn on the heating at home too.
Take vitamin D supplements if you don’t get much sun, as it is very difficult to get enough of this vital nutritional element from your diet alone.
When you do get ill, take the time to slow down, get enough rest, and eat well – this is the only way to recover quickly.

Mental Health

The darker hours of winter can have a depressive effect on many people. It’s common for feelings of sadness, loneliness, and depression to increase during the winter months. If you feel this way, you should talk to a doctor or a psychiatrist as soon as possible. They may be able to recommend a course of treatment that works for you – some people suffer so much that only a sunlamp will do the job, helping to replace that missing sunlight and increase vital chemical levels in the brain. Others simply need to learn coping strategies.
Don’t feel embarrassed: the majority of people who spend the winter in areas with less sun feel the same way as you do, and it’s much better to get it sorted out. Don’t leave it until it gets to the point where you do something stupid. You can also use your faith to light darker hours.


What should you eat in the winter to look after your health? If you instantly think of a warming, hearty winter soup or stew, you aren’t far off the right track. Hot meals can help to keep your body temperature up and keep you cozy on cold days, while certain dishes like chicken soup are packed with nutrients that help to fight off illness and infection.
Be sure to maintain a good level of fruits and vegetables in your diet, but try to stick to those that are in season as preserved food usually has fewer nutrients. You can also take other supplements alongside your vitamin D if you feel that your diet is lacking in some areas.
Keep yourself well-fed and try not to skip meals, as this can quickly become a factor in illness.


Don’t neglect your fitness during the winter, either! You may want to go out jogging in the snow, or take up a new hobby – try skiing, snowboarding or figure skating. There are also plenty of ways to get fit indoors. Try yoga for a gentle exercise regime that nevertheless keeps your body in shape – hot yoga may be an even better idea for those winter days!
If you don’t want to go to the gym, you could try something as simple as walking around your office building during your lunch break to fit more fitness into your day.

Taking care of yourself is always important, but during the winter it can be low on our priority list. You do need to take extra steps compared to the summertime to keep yourself healthy, so don’t skip these tips.

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